This page is to organize all Snap posts into one spot in order to make it more accessible to viewers who want to find the Snap posts easier. Snap posts are generally quick posts that simply discuss things that happen normally right at the moment of occurrence; meaning that if an event were to happen or a story were to just come out about a certain thing, a Snap post would be done to speak out about it in the moment to give initial thoughts. In some instances, they will be sneak peaks of topics that I intend to speak on in more detail as breakdowns.

These “Snap posts” are exclusive to subscribers only. Snap posts are password protected. Passwords to Snap posts are provided to subscribers through email notification when Snap posts are made. Every email notification of a newly released Snap post will contain the password needed to access the post.


GP’s Snap Posts #6: The Climate Change Agenda Soon to Come (Sneak Peek)

GP’s Snap Posts #5: “Lia” Thomas and NCAA (Sneak Peek)

GP’s Snap Posts #4: Florida vs. Disney

GP’s Snap Posts #3: What is Russia vs. Ukraine Really About? (Sneak Peek)

GP’s Snap Posts #2: Omicron is an Excuse to Mandate Boosters

GP’s Snap Posts #1: Soon, (Almost) EVERY Big City Will Require VAXX PASSPORTS